Henderson Command Center


Do your counters look like this?


Sad to say but yep this is mine in the kitchen area! Here’s another image to show the mess of papers, receipts, books, art projects, mail, etc.


When I tell you it drives me insane! IT DRIVES ME INSANE! Naturally, I take my frustration to “www.Pinterest.com” and add things to my EVERYTHING HAS A PLACE board while searching for ways to organize mail and came across pins on C-O-M-M-A-N-D C-E-N-T-E-R-S!

I started collecting data on command centers and found some I loved and some I didn’t like too much. Some were really expensive and some were hmmm… super cheap!!

Command Centers I've Pinned on Pinterest

Command Centers I’ve Pinned on Pinterest

Then I had to slow myself down and really think about why I needed a command center.

Eventually I learned I need a place for the following:

  • Kids-school work, important documents and homework
  • Mail-Unopened
  • To file– opened mail that needs to be filed
  • To shred– documents that need to be shredded
  • Catalogs– h&m, ikea etc
  • Coupons/Receipts
  • Books– daily and weekly readings
  • Keys– I’m always looking for my keys

I chose this one from Pinterest!

So I followed www.itsalwaysautumn.com and purchased the items needed to create my command center. You can visit her site for the details.

This is my wall before installing the new command center.

Wall Before Command Center

Wall Before Command Center

Here it is!


So far it takes some time getting use to but for the most part it works great especially when we keep our kitchen organized!!!


I’ve learned a few things:

  • Open your mail as soon as u get it; flatten out and toss. Much better to sort the paper vs the thick envelopes!
  • Toss the junk…You don’t need it!
  • If u don’t have time to sort the mail add a space for that
  • If you don’t have a shredder ask a friend or family member if they have access to one.
  • Lastly if not weekly at least once a month clear out your command center and file what needs to be filed!

Please share your experience designing your command center!


15 thoughts on “Henderson Command Center

    • Hi there! lol Its not that I get so much mail, its that I let it pile up without taking the time to trash the junk, shred, and file the mail and various other papers lol. The command center will help me to keep a nice balance with sorting since the other issue I was having is I didn’t have a place for the paper once opened or received. I like the collage as well. I’m planning on moving it to another wall however I would like to clean it up a bit. Thanks for your comment!


  1. Brilliant! I need a command center at home and at work. I feel like a paper hoarder, especially working with children in a school. Since I provide speech therapy in a school setting, my room is similar to a classroom…but much, MUCH smaller. I also share it with the occupational therapist, so the place is overflowing with materials and centers for the kids, and very little space has been set aside for us. I can’t wait to show her your post. Hopefully our bosses will approve such a smart idea. It’s out of the kids’ way and doesn’t require additional furniture. It’s perfect! Thanks!

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Hey Fatlyla! Thanks so much! I can be as well… You should see our junk room… Lately I’ve been calling it the “Multi-Purpose Room” lol. This was really simple and only cost me maybe $55- $75 to create?. Of course you don’t need every single thing I have but it gives you an idea where to start. The hardest part is taking time to sort through what needs to be sorted for your command center! lol Happy to have started your brainstorming! Please don’t forget to share your finish product!


    • Thank you!! It could actually work… You just have to create a new routine! I feel the hardest part is sorting through what you already have. Once you get through that daunting task it can be easily managed once you set a routine. If once a month is how it’s kept up then build your command system for a monthly routine 😉 wishing you all the best!

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