Some days I’m organized… most days I’m not!

If you happen to come into my home as a first time visitor the house would be neat and clean, well minus the many stains on the carpet, lol. When family and friends are planning to come by I give them a disclaimer: my house is a mess and I don’t plan on cleaning it today. I’m sure having a lazy spirit doesn’t make it any better, but I’m trying though. I wish I could afford a live in nanny to keep help keep us on a routine or a maid just to help with cleaning! With keeping the house tidy and the boys on a schedule, finding a balance to this beautiful madness is challenging. As much as I would love to keep the house spick and span sometimes I find it pointless.

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To the Unbalanced Balance

DevelopAWayToBalanceI’m here to tell you it’s ok if you don’t have it all together. Heck, understanding that you don’t have a balanced life is half the battle! For one, you’re human and two, no one is perfect. We are all dealing with the many stresses of life. Whether it be work, finances, your physical health, marriage/relationships, parenting, or becoming a new mom or father… we’re all trying to find that common ground. In order to relieve these stressors, you have to “develop a way to balance“. We will forever bounce between the unbalanced and balanced.

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Babe, I Burnt the Corn!

Sooooo I need to find a balance on writing this blog because I clearly just burned my husband’s lunch LOL. He simply asked me to heat up his food and because I was so lost in the blogging world; I burned the corn SMDH. It quickly got me thinking about how its very easy to get caught up in what you’re doing when you should be paying attention to more important things. Whether you are devoted to your work, obsessed with social media, a “shopaholic”, wild about “Pinterest” (Raises hand), fanatical about gaming/sports (like golf) or hooked on Entertainment (TV/Streaming), whatever your so called addiction may be, we have to learn self discipline in order to achieve a balance with our passions. Continue reading

Introducing wifemomddh

Hi world! My name is Devin! I’m here to introduce my very own blog that’s all about how I try to keep it together! I’m a wife to an amazing husband, a mom of 2 handsome boys and an annoying yet loving dog (Butch); I work full-time (a non traditional work shift… We’ll have to talk about that later), and a life full of family and friends, whew! I’m planning to share a little piece of my journey through life, as wifemomddh.

I’ve shared that I’m a wife and mommy but I’m still someone who wants to maintain her individuality, hence the initials in my blogs title -DDH. Continue reading